The Fiji Sevens selectors seems to have a tough time selecting the best 12 for the last leg of IRB sevens series.
The selection of team was supposed to be done by yesterday (Thursday May,7) but a latest release from the FRU house said it has been postponed to today.
Acting FRU CEO Keni Dakuidreketi said the delay was due to unavailability of sponsors.
But the Fijisevenstalanoa believes there is something FISHY in the postponement of the team selection.
We understand it is important for the sponsors to be present but wasn't Serevi's presence when he was the coach important during the announcement of team in the press conference !!! Doesn't this imply something ???
Come clear FRU and state the true reason why there is a delay in team selections !!
The Fijisevenstalanoa has drafted four reason that MAY have caused the delay :
Scenario One
Keni may be right in saying that the sponsors were not available.
Scenario Two
The selectors maybe having a tough time selecting the best 12 players. All players in the training squad seems to have equal calibre and this maybe frustrating our selectors in naming the final squad.
Scenario Three
There may be disagreement between the selectors on the players to choose. Or maybe coach Iliesa Tanivula's choice is not being considered and the selectors wants to have its final say as in Serevi's case.
Scenario Four
The players from Hong Kong team maybe demanding their full payment before representing Fiji in the remaining two tournaments (as it was disclosed earlier this week that the players have not been given the full $5000).
I would go with scenario 3 and 4...hey have u considered that maybe some player could be injured. The truth is out there....